
10 Creative Ways to Use Aerosol Cans

Have you ever used an aerosol can before? If so, what did you use it for? Aerosol cans are a versatile tool that can be used for various purposes. This post will discuss some creative ways to use aerosol cans. Keep reading to learn more!

Use aerosol cans to make a homemade air freshener.

You need a consol can, some water, and your favourite essential oil. Combine the ingredients in the can, shake it up, and voila! You have a natural air freshener that will make your home smell amazing.

Create DIY insect repellent

To make your insect repellent, combine equal parts of water and vinegar in a consol can. Then, add 20-30 drops of your favourite essential oil. Some good options include citronella, lemongrass, and eucalyptus. Finally, shake the ingredients together and spray them around your home to keep bugs at bay.

Fill the can with baking soda and place it in your fridge

This will help absorb any bad smells lingering in your fridge. Unscrew the top of the can, pour in a layer of baking soda, and screw the top back on. Place the can in your fridge and let it do its job! You’ll be amazed at how much fresher your fridge will smell. Must try, and let us know how it goes!

Use aerosol cans to create DIY art.

This can be done by spraying different colors of paint onto a canvas to create a unique piece of abstract art. Another option is to use stencils and spray paint to create more intricate designs.

Make your DIY aerosol can snow globe.

This is a fun activity that can be done with kids or on your own. It would be best to have a console can, some fake snow, and a small figurine. Place the figurine in the bottom of the can and fill it up with fake snow. Screw the top back & then shake it up! You now have your very own DIY snow globe.

Use an empty console can as a vase.

This is a useful way to recycle an empty console can and add some flare to your home décor. Remove the label from the can and use scissors or a utility knife to make a few small holes in the top. This will allow you to insert a bouquet. Then, fill the can with water and enjoy your new vase!

Use aerosol cans to make homemade candles.

Have a console can, some wax, a wick, and your favourite essential oil. Melt the wax in a boiler and add the essential oil of your choice. Once the wax is melted, pour it into the consol can and place the wick in the centre. Let it cool, and enjoy your new candle!

Make DIY fire starters.

Fill the bottom of the can with sawdust or shredded paper. Then, add a layer of wax. You can use old candles, crayons, or even leftover candle wax. Once the wax is in place, add another layer of sawdust or paper. Cut the wick to be about an inch long, and light it when you’re ready to start a fire.

Use empty consol cans as plant pots.

This is a great way to upcycle consol cans! Remove the label from the can and use scissors or a utility knife to make small holes in the bottom for drainage. Fill the can with soil and your favourite plant. Please place it in a sunny spot and water as needed.

Create DIY bookends

Bookends are a great way to organise your books and add some personality to your home décor. You can make them out of all sorts of materials, but aerosol cans make a great option because they’re sturdy and lightweight. Here’s how to do it:

Aerosol cans can be reused for a variety of purposes, from creating DIY art to making your own candles. They’re also a great way to recycle empty cans and add some personality to your home décor. Get creative!