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Top Ways to Increase Height in Children

Keeping children healthy is a parent’s main responsibility and they go through great lengths to achieve this. They try to encourage their love of sport, serve them nutritious food, and keep their mental health in check. Physical activity, mental stimulation, and a balanced diet are general recommendations everyone knows about, but is there anything else you can do to have your child grow taller?

The majority of people want their kids to grow strong and tall. The good news is that there are ways to influence your child’s height to an extent. Keep in mind that a lot of it is affected by genetics, but there are certain lifestyle factors that you can control.

1.  Make sure they eat well

Balanced nutrition is a staple of healthy living and, unsurprisingly, it also affects a child’s final adult height. Although most kids crave junk food, try to set a good example from a young age and discourage them from indulging in fatty, sugary snacks. While they’re okay from time to time, it should be just an occasional treat while the bulk of their diet should consist of fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy, and whole grains.

Luckily, healthy food can be super delicious if you have good recipes and adjust them to your family’s taste. They’ll both get the necessary nutrients and enjoy their meals.

2.  Make sure they sleep well

Since the production of HGH, also known as the growth hormone, happens during sleep, it comes as no surprise that getting enough rest is crucial for children. Sleeping well has other health benefits too, like preventing obesity and improving one’s mental health. Depending on how old they are, children should get different amounts of sleep. For example, they need to sleep 9 to 12 hours a night between the ages of 9 and 12.

You’ll help them sleep better by providing them with a quiet, dark or dimly lit environment, clean bedsheets, and helping them relax before going to bed. It’s best if they don’t use any electronics before going to sleep. Instead, choose a quiet, calming activity, like taking a bath and reading bedtime stories.

3.  Encourage them to exercise

Physical activity in general is highly beneficial for every child’s development. Here are a few that are especially effective when it comes to helping your child grow taller.


Nothing beats stretching exercises for boosting growth. Teaching your children simple stretches when they’re very young and then sticking to them can enhance their posture and elongate their spine. They’re also pleasant and relaxing to do, so they’ll feel great afterward (it’ll do you good as well, especially after sitting all day at work).

Here are some easy exercises to start off with:

Jumping and skipping

Jumping can do wonders for your child’s coordination, bone development, balance, and overall physical fitness. Since it engages a variety of muscle groups, it also helps them keep their back straight and upright. This contributes to their height as well.


Brisk walking or running are amazing for little ones’ muscles and heart health. These activities also increase the secretion of HGH, encouraging growth. They’re also very enjoyable for little ones who love the feeling of moving fast.


Since it’s another type of exercise that impacts various muscle groups, it’ll make your child grow leaner, stronger, and taller. It’s challenging while also being super fun, so your child will take to it in no time!

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